The CIA's Unreleased, Unacknowledged UFO Files:
Just How Many More Are There?
So!! It appears that after 40 years, there are still government documents to be found regarding the infamous and still unsolved aerial incursions over nearly a dozen key nuclear armed military bases all over North America. Known as the “1975 Over Flights”, the first sensitive location to be harassed by unknown craft was Loring Air Force Base in Maine. Hundreds of pages of documents were begrudgingly released to researchers in the late 1970’s, but many were not. Below is a one page “Event and Action” log of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) providence that, as far as I know, has not been seen before by researchers.
How this came about was that recently I’ve been spending some time on the CIA’s electronic search engine known as “CIA Records Search Tool”, or “CREST”. I usually don’t search the archive using keywords like “unusual flying object”, “unidentified flying object”, “unknown object”, etc as these have been attempted ad nauseam by others. What I do attempt are keywords that possibly no one else has thought or doing bothered to do: anything associated with extremely well-known UFO cases or investigations, such as “Mansfield”, “JAL 1628”, “Kirtland OSI”, etc is a good start.
One successful hit using this method was using the keyword “Loring”. The significant file details of the result read:
Document Number: (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 0005516212
Release Decision: RIFPUB
Original Classification: U
Document Page Count: 1
Document Release Date: January 31, 2011
Case Number: F-2010-00651
Publication Date: October 28, 1975
From here, the document is viewable in PDF form, which I imaged above.
As the reader will have noticed, the title banner tells us that the document is from the CIA’s Operations Centre. The line-itemed date is listed as 28th October, 1975, and the main box of information is headed “Event and Action”. All of the log entries are redacted (in white for once) except the second last one. The time given is 06:10 and the text states:
“NMCC Rep notified Ops Ctr that DDO Talker contained update concerning penetration of Loring AFB, Maine by unidentified helicopters(s) flying out of Canada. Received copy via LDX and disseminated.”
For clarity, “NMCC” is the National Military Command Center; “DDO” is is Deputy Directior of Operations; “Talker” is raw, intelligence text, written in a way somewhat akin to human speech; and, last, but most importantly, “Loring AFB” is Loring Air Force Base. The content of the document may not be earth shattering itself, but it’s all the evidence I need to show that there may be more such material in CIA possession – whether available to the public or still under lock-and-key – which has not been appraised by researchers.
So what’s it all about? Although mothballed today, in 1975 Loring AFB was a huge United States Air Force (USAF) base run by the old Strategic Air Command (SAC). Of considerable size, the base was a storage site for nuclear weapons. The arsenal was stored in a specialized, secured area consisting of small huts, known as “igloos”. The facility was patrolled day and night by the 42nd Security Police Squadron. On October 27 and 28, 1975, unidentified aircraft aggressively buzzed the base, taking particular interest in the nuclear weapons storage area and causing the base to nervously go to a high-alert status. Shortly before 8pm, on the Oct. 27, an airman patrolling the weapons dump area saw an unidentified aircraft nearing the north perimeter of the base at an altitude of about 300 feet, its red navigational light and a white strobe light in operation. At exactly the same time, the Loring ABF control tower got a clear radar paint from an unknown aircraft 10 to 13 miles east-northeast of the base. Numerous attempts were made to contact the aircraft, but there was no response. It came within 300 yards of the base nuclear weapons area. The base went into a full alert mode and an intense ground sweep was conducted by security personnel. The intruder circled for about 40 minutes before heading toward Grand Falls in Canada, some where it dropped from the radar screen. The next night featured a repeat performance, only weirder. This time, airmen reported seeing a silent orange-and-red object shaped like an elongated football hovering over the runway. It was described as being about four car lengths long, solid, with no doors or windows, and with no visible propellers or engines. It eventually departed in the direction of Grand Falls.
This, and similar incidents – some far more potent and unexplainable - were occurring above and around USAF bases, usually operated by SAC, or otherwise housing operational nuclear weapons, all over the United States for weeks, and then sporadically into 1976. The others were, as amazing as it may seem, Wurtsmith AFB, Malmstrom AFB, Minot AFB, Grand Forks AFB, Eglin AFB, Fort Richie, Cannon AFB and Falconbridge Air Station in Canada! Released documents indicate that Selfridge and Plattsburg AFB’s were also affected by unknown intruders too, though we don’t have any details. Oh, and possibly one base in Alaska. How do we know any of this? In probably the most stunning successes in the quest for government UFO documents, Barry Greenwood, Lawrence Fawcett and Robert Todd, and a few others, successfully urged various areas of the US military to release respective historical records regarding these events. Collectively, these documents paint a picture of multiple unknown aerial intrusions against some of the most supposedly secure facilities operated by the strongest military on the planet.
So, with regards to my finding just one document positively sourced from the CIA,we now have concrete proof that even the CIA was knowledgeable concerning all this USAF base intrusion business. The job now is to look far deeper into the CIA record and hopefully discover what other material was received or created by them over the long years. It’s not even like researchers are going on a hunch. For example, when research group Ground Saucer Watch (GSW) successfully forced the CIA to release some 900 pages of UFO records in 1978, researcher Brad Sparks determined that over 200 extra documents were directly referenced in those 900 pages, but conveniently not included in the release. In other words, the CIA couldn’t find, or, chose not to find, at least 200 documents it they could or should have. The CIA were effectively thumbing their noses at the Washington DC’s District.
As for the Loring Air Force Base, and the whole 1975 over flight fiasco, for those interested, the definitive account of the evolution of this story can be found in the 1984 blockbuster book Clear Intentby Barry Greenwood and Lawrence Fawcett, and republished UFOs the Government Cover-Up in 1990. Imaged below is the front cover of the book in its original guise. Readers perhaps wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it is one of my favourites UFO books.